Sunday, November 24, 2013

Admin Friday/Sunday

Sorry for the delay! This is me ;)

  1. This pic is from Halloween
  2. I'm a dark angel
  3. I love Teen Titans! 
  4. Jinx is my all time favorite Teen Titans character ever
  5. Kid Flash and Raven are close seconds
  6. Taken <3 
  7. Though you can't see in the pic, part of my hair is dyed red ;)
  8. I love all my friends, old and new 
  9. You guys probably don't care 
  10. I'm probably either gonna post less or leave blogger all together soon
  11. Comment if you care
  12. I love reading your comments
  13. UNLUCKY THIRTEEN! jk that's just my age 
  14. I'm a kool kittie don't judge ;)
  15. I'm running out of facts...
  16. My favorite colors are black and blue
  17. I love Converse High-Tops
  18. I'm a band geek
  19. FLUTE FTW!!!!!
  20. 16 is my favorite number 
Well, this can be an admin Sunday I guess. And I'm not kidding about leaving blogger.  I will if you guys don't care ;) Well here ya go... and I guess I'm gonna go.... Byeeeeeeeee!


Hey Guys! I am so sorry! I had to do something last night and I was so tired I just fell asleep before I could do an admin friday! I don't think many people cared very much because only two people voted... I promise the admin friday will be up really soon! Well, how are you guys? I'm okay. It's been a loooonnnggg weekend and you guys may think me crazy, but I'm so excited to go to school! I just can't wait to see all of my friends! Well, I'm gonna go do my admin friday/sunday post so yeah. ;) Love you guys! Byeeeeeeeee!

Saturday, November 23, 2013


Hey Guys! I screwed up! Don't make fun of me because I know that all of you guys have screwed up at one point in time. I know I said that if you guys voted for an admin friday that I'd do it. Well, it turns out I had a close friend's birthday party on Friday! So I kinda sorta didn't have time to do an admin friday! I'm so sorry you guys! I promise it'll be up today. Sort of like an admin Saturday.... Well, a new poll will be up soon as well so feel free to check it out and vote! The winner of our first poll was Raven with the question of Who's your favorite teen titan. Admin Saturday will be up soon I promise! Byeeeeeeee!

Thursday, November 21, 2013


Hey Guys! I think I'm going to do an admin friday tomorrow! (Admin friday is when you post a pic and 20 facts about yourself.) Only if you guys want it, though. Leave your response in the new poll! ;) Well, how are you guys? I'm good. Mashed potatoes make me high!!!! I'm kidding. Someone should make a book of all my awesome quotes. That would be the best book ever made! On Sunday I went to a used book store just browsing books you know, normal weekend stuff. Then I saw Beautiful Redemption (the fourth book in the Beautiful Creatures series) and I freaked out. I had thought the series ended at Beautiful Chaos which had a VERY sad ending. Anyways, I freaked out and of course it's a bookstore so everyone stared at me because I had broken the silence. Jumping up and down and screaming quietly but still audible. So yeah, that was sufficiently awkward. :D Well, answering Isla's question.... (why are you VampireBubbles?) I'm VampireBubbles because I love bubbles but I wanted to make my username more my style. I thought, What better way to make my username more like me than to add vampire to it? Mind you, I was in 6th grade. ;) So I've been VampireBubbles since! If anyone else has questions feel free to comment them! I'm gonna go but feel free to comment and vote on the new poll! Byeeeeeeeeee!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Hey Guys! I just updated my blog! You can now subscribe by email and monitor page views with me! Don't forget to check out the poll! Please subscribe so you can get updated with all my epic blogging content! If you have any suggestions or complaints leave them in the comments and I'll try to fix them. Byeeeeeee!

So True...

This is so true! Twelve-year-olds these days...


Hey Guys! Sorry for the delay in posts. Stupid school getting in the way of my blogging! Fun fact: I'm a veggie-saurus! Meaning I don't eat meat of course! How about you guys? I'm assuming most of you aren't veggie-sauruses. Today was really interesting and awkward for me. How was your day? I'm running out of things to talk about. Leave questions in the comments and I swear I'll answer them! Oh and if you have an Instagram follow me at @brookeriley62. I'm a cool kitty I swear! I'm kidding but you can follow me if you want to. I'll follow you back if you comment on a photo saying you followed me because of my blog! Well, enough of Instagram. How are you guys? I'm doing good. I love this blog! Comment if you do too! Well, my friend alway says I should vlog instead of blog but I like blogging, even though no one blogs anymore. Blogging is freakin' awesome though! I am just absolutely in love with He's a Pirate from Pirates of the Caribbean. I've been playing it non-stop on my flute! This has been fun but unfortunately, (or maybe not so unfortunately) I have to go! Byeeeeeeeee!